Operations and Administration

Here is an overview of the internal workings of the agency and the roles of various departments

Project Coordination and Support (Federal)

    This component provides finance expended at the federal level by the Federal Project Support Unit (FPSU) to cover its operating costs, and technical support to States for other activities. The activities include programme coordination, CDD Policy development and advocacy, sensitization and capacity building at the federal level, monitoring and evaluation of the CSDP at all levels and reporting to all stakeholders.

LGAs and State Agencies Partnership and Capacity Building

    The State Agencies (SA), under this component, provide training, technical assistance and cross-learning for a to strengthen the capacity of the designated staff of State MDAs and LGAs in performing the roles prescribed for them by the CSDP institutional arrangements. Key areas of skills development relevant to the LGAs include: planning, financial management, procurement and general improvement in local governance. This is achieved through transparency in budget preparation, publishing, execution and monitoring as well as maintaining records of projects implemented and sustained by Local Governments


Community-driven Investments (CDI)

    This component finances projects contained in approved Community Development Plans (CDPs) prepared by communities. For each participating State, communities with the support of LGAs and SA, prepare CDPs which after passing through all the approved procedures, qualify for the funding support of CSDP.


Gender and Vulnerable Group Investment

    This component creates the enabling system and investment that allows the vulnerable groups to access social and natural resource infrastructure services. The component targets vulnerable groups (widows, deprived, internally displaced, physically challenged). The goods and services may not always be purely social but could also be socio-economic.